Job Position
The current position: Home>Recruitment>Job Position
Position name: 医药类管理培训生(物流... Department: 物流中心 working place: 汕头、佛山、广州、深圳、...
Major Required: 医药、物流类等相关专业... Education Required: 大专以上 age Required: 22-30
Work experience: 不限 Salary range: 3000以上 Recruitment number: 若干
begin time: 2017-10-16 end time: 2019-01-04
Position Required:


The online application:
Job: 医药类管理培训生(物流方向)
* name: Please fill in your name, such as: Li Si
* telephone: Please fill in your contact telephone number, such as 18611111111 or 020-88888888
* Email: Allow upload format:doc / docx
*Upload your resume:
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